We have been informed that a Thai court sitting in Trat Thailand recently accepted a criminal complaint brought against White Sands Beach and Gregory Pitt, (aka Somphong Leekaew). The merits of the case – and the criminal charges made therein – are now the subject of the court’s jurisdiction. The case is proceeding and a conviction of Gregory Pitt, (aka Somphong Leekaew) is likely. UPDATE: The White Sands Beach Co Ltd litigation has resulted in Mr Gregory Pitt getting 18 years imprisonment sentence after a full trial in Trat Thailand. Mr Gregory Pitt has been found guilty of Offenses relating to the Partnerships, Companies, Associations and Foundations Act.
We are also aware of another group of investors in a “fund” operated by Gregory Pitt called “Managed Savings”, are suing Greg Pitt in a separate and unrelated case in the Bangkok courts. We understand from investors in both White Sands Beach and Managed Savings that Gregory Pitt had made false statements and claims around both investment products. Gregory Pitt had made various statements and issued documents which were complete lies. We were able to see a Managed Savings Brochure that Pitt had given to an investor and he clearly made the brochure to look as if it was UOB the major Singaporean Bank offering a fixed term deposit. In fact it was Gregory Pitt offering a fixed term deposit to individuals only there was to be NO payback ever! A true Ponzi scheme and investors are taking legal action at him.
The only connection between White Sands Beach and Managed Savings is Greg Pitt and a number of investors in both of those projects are sueing Greg Pitt.